Tag: recipe

Rosemary Salted Caramel Bites

Rosemary Salted Caramel Bites

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we thought we’d share a treat worthy of boxing up and giving to Mom. We don’t know a mom that doesn’t love a handmade gift! When Jennifer had her bakery, the Rosemary Salted Caramel Bites were always popular 

Not Your Mother’s Oatmeal Cookies

Not Your Mother’s Oatmeal Cookies

Did we mention we love cookies around here? Well, it’s worth mentioning again…especially because today is National Oatmeal Cookie Day! While we love our many varieties of oatmeal cookies, we are certainly not traditionalists. Read: we don’t like raisins in our oatmeal cookies. We know…heretical,